Its that time again, so thanks to Kathy for the inspiration, here are my efforts for this month...
Something with your town's name |
For as long as I can remember this grandfather clock has been part of my life. I guess my parents must have acquired it not long after we came to Norfolk when I was a child. This was in the 70s when 'old' things were not at all in vogue and they picked up loads of antique furniture at auctions and 'junk' shops. I do mean loads...this was passed on to my when my father bought the fourth long case grandfather clock and my mother decided there was a bit of a space and chiming issue! Anyway I love it and it stands at the end of my hall. When I remember to wind it (or can get to it! at the moment the hall is full of son 2's clobber from uni!) it has a lovely soothing loud tick.
An elephant |
I struggled a bit with this one! Thought it would be easy - Norwich is full of elephants! Including one at work which I pass every day and has a lovely glass and metal tree sculpture behind it. I will take a picture of that one of these days to show you but didn't manage it this month. Then last weekend I saw these two lads heading off down the street with their busking gear and they made me smile, so I whipped out my camera for a quick snap!
A wheel trim |
Another acquired family antique! I think this came form somewhere in my Scottish family and I've had it since I was about 8, I should think. Its a Singer treadle sewing machine - I learnt to sew on this and used it until I got my electric sewing machine for my 21st birthday. Its a really beautiful thing although the wooden case is looking a bit the worse for wear now.
An architectural detail |
This is the church I mentioned in yesterday's post. Parts of it are 900 years old and as well as local flint stones, it is built with reclaimed Roman red tiles from the Roman site it stands on.
Cheese |
Our local town had its first farmers market last weekend - lots of yummy food including this amazing chilli smoked cheddar, very more-ish!!
Night |
I nearly didn't put this one is as its such a rubbish picture - but then decided what the heck, its the only night one I have. The sky was amazing one evening on the way home form work and this in no way does justice to it. My little camera just doesn't do night photos (I have tried honest!) - they just come out dark and grainy. (and no, although I got some lovely things for my birthday, camera wasn't one of them...:-()
Tree branches |
A lovely old tree at Stinson Lock by the canal in Derbyshire.
Cutlery |
I brought these back from Morocco. They are hand carved from a single piece each of lemon tree wood and are so lovely to touch. In the mountains we used spoons like this every day for porridge and soup.
A childhood memory |
I was an incredibly accident prone child. I was always falling over, running into things, getting stung etc. We had a very spiny cactus just inside the front door and I managed to implant most of the spines in my wrist as I ran past! I must have been about 4 or 5 and I can remember being sat on the kitchen stool while my mum painstakingly pulled each spine out with tweezers! And I can still remember how much it stung!!
A farm animal |
This was from one of my early morning bike rides early in the month. There were just these two friendly looking cows in the field and I thought they looked rather lovely with the early morning sun behind them!
Something beginning with Z... |
I was struggling a bit with this one - until yesterday I had a fairly uninspiring photo of a piece of ginger (zingiber officinale?!). Then I looked up damselflies on t'internet when I was posting yesterday and yay! The 'proper' name for damselflies is Zygoptera! (Zygo - meaning paired or joined & ptera - meaning wings; in case you were wondering!)
The view from your front door |
Crikey, doesn't this look flat! It doesn't really give you a sense of the view as actually it is countryside both sides of this section too - need a wide angle lens to capture it better, I suppose. But it is what greets me when I step out of the door each morning - could be worse!
I need to get my act together and go and get packed - I'm off to Cardiff for a couple of days for a conference. Looking forward to seeing a new place - what does Cardiff have to offer I wonder?!
Til next time