Wednesday 7 February 2024

As winter recedes...I hope!

I am really not very good at the winter! I have always hated being cold and I now realise that I don't do well when the days are short and the light is limited. So as January and February inch past, I am relishing the glimpses of winter sunshine and the signs of new life reliably returning to the garden and hedgerows.

For various reasons, I haven't managed many photos for the last month but the snowdrops appearing in drifts have lifted my soul. On the woodland walk to the local garden nursery...

I enjoyed my first coffee and cake in the garden of the year with just a little weak sunshine brightening the sleepy flower beds...

And from my place under the pergola, last years teasel heads with this years plum blossom buds, ready to burst into frothy pale pink (forgive the lousy focus and the dodgy fence backdrop!)...

I must take some more photos of the things coming up - feels like Spring is just around the corner...

S x


  1. It's so lovely to see Snowdrops isn't it Sandra. Your garden looks great already
    Jacquie x

  2. Hi Sandra. I know what you mean about the short days. I think it gets harder as you get older. Snowdrops are so welcome, aren't they. Now all we need is a little less rain!
    Jacquie x


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