Wednesday 18 July 2012

Catching up: part 2 - therapy...

I have decided that any number of things can be therapeutic... Sometimes its just a bit of blue sky, a chat with a friend, a good film or a nice piece of music. Comments on here always give me a little buzz! Still find it quite a novelty that anyone is out there reading my mutterings and love the connection across the 'airwaves' (or whatever it is we connect across!!) Anything can provide that lift really but, for me, sometimes I have to remind myself about the good things. I know I've said numerous times I have a bit of a thing for flowers - I love the colours and the shapes and their sheer 'in your face-ness' of them at times!

The next few photos are a bit of combined therapy - not only are they flowers but they were taken with my upgraded iphone, which has not a bad camera at all and I was having a bit of a play!

It has a surprisingly good capacity for zoomed shots. Sunny nasturtiums (the ones that survived the slug attacks!)...

This pretty rose climbs all over one side of the garden, intertwined with the simple briar rose in the following photo...

I expect at some point I may have to tackle pruning this but at the moment I am enjoying the mass of colour and scent...

I think this is jasmine which is scrambling through the roses - it smells gorgeous...

Now this might be a bit weird, but I even think these flowers on the potato plants are really rather beautiful...

Even looking back at these has brightened my day! There was even a bit of sunshine when I took these pics and the sky today is lead grey! Here's to floral therapy!!



  1. These photos are beautiful, and I totally agree about appreciating the beauty as you see it

  2. Lovely photos. Flower definitely have the ability to cheer you up. Just need some more sun so we can enjoy them! xx

  3. Fab photos from your phone Sandra. I love the Nasturtium...such a cheerful flower
    Jacquie x

  4. Wow, I'm impressed - my iphone is old and the camera nowhere near as good as this! I love the second photo of the rose. Jealous of the jasmine too, that has to be one of my all time favourite smells! :)


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