Thursday 2 January 2014

something to smile at...

Today already had me scrabbling about for a photo! Trouble is, its dark when I go into work and dark when I come home and it has been so busy there is rarely time to draw breath during the day, never mind go looking for photo opportunities. I did take one of the grey clouds that made the beginning of sunrise look rather moody first thing this morning but I think I must have had a bit of a wobble on as it was hideously blurry!

As is this one...!

But it's made it in because it was pretty! And it will remind me of a very giggly night with a good friend. We have agreed to make each other do some fun stuff as well as work and we do always laugh a lot when we are out. Good for the soul! But giggles don't make for very crisp photos... and actually, the dessert was decidedly disappointing - more in the presentation than the baking I think!!

The other things that just made me laugh today were these in my email and facebook...

Anyone would think someone's trying to tell me something!! Or, slightly creepily, that there is so much information out there in the ether that they know exactly how to target ads!! Though if anyone is monitoring my electronic footprint they are so off the mark! Yes, might be on my own, but looking for a new man??? Nope. Absolutely not. Thankyou. ;-) 

S x


  1. I don't think all photos need to be perfect - I think a memory is more important than a perfect photo and I like what you've captured. When you look back at that photo, it'll bring back memories of the whole day :)

  2. Hi Sandra, I've been thinking about doing a photo a day this year too....I love your calendar and I'm glad you will be posting regularly.
    Hope 2014 is all you wish it to be.
    Jacquie x

    1. Thanks Jacquie. Fingers crossed I manage to keep the photos and blogging up! I'm not doing New Year Resolutions this year just this one little aim..! :-) x

  3. Happy New Year. Isn't it always the way that puddings look (and sound) so enticing, but nearly always disappoint.
    Joy x x

  4. It's funny that New Year sees the most people signing up to these websites, yet also the busiest time for divorce lawyers! All the best for 2014. xx

  5. One of the first things I have to do each new year is fill in the new diary and calendar. I got a lovely diary from my daughter this year, which may get a post of its own one day. I had to buy my own calendar though, and snapped up a pretty one for less than half price in a well known high street store. I love a bargain. Good luck with the photo a day xxx

  6. The dessert looks delicious!! I'm glad you have a good memory to associate with it! and can I just say that Alex is hot! even if you aren't actively looking for a new man, nothing wrong with a little window shopping! Have a great weekend.

    1. Ha ha ha! Your comment made me laugh out loud! Yes he is quite isn't he?! Only, sadly, probably not much older than my eldest son, which feels just wrong on so many levels! However, as you say a girl can look... And anyway, I only have to believe I'm as old as I am because thats what it says on my birth certificate... :-)


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